Fixed firefighting systems parts – on board

Inspection of Fixed Firefighting System (non-standard)

SKU: 73555 Categories: ,

LALIZAS highly skilled technicians have all the knowledge required in order to efficiently inspect fixed firefighting systems parts.

Our services include:

Full inspection of FM200 system
Fixed firefighting system (non-standard)
Fixed firefighting system cylinder (non-standard)
Fire fighting system`s pilot cylinder up to 3 kg
Fire fighting system`s pilot cylinder over 3 kg
Αll services are being conducted according to current regulations and manufacturer’s recommendations.

73555 Inspection of Fixed Firefighting System (non-standard)
73556 Inspection of Fixed Firefighting System Cylinder (non-standard)
73625 Inspection of fixed fire fighting system`s pilot cylinder up to 3 kg
73626 Inspection of fixed fire fighting system`s pilot cylinder over 3 kg
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